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Introduction to capital markets

Introduction to capital markets

A very important area of the financial services industry is the capital markets. The capital markets are fundamental to the economy of the country. It promotes economic growth by providing corporations and governments access to capital which enables these...
Understanding segregated funds

Understanding segregated funds

Most people know the basic concept of how mutual funds work: a number of investors pool their money and then a portfolio manager invests these combined assets in a specific market, such as Canadian stocks, U.S. bonds, precious metals, etc. Among their many benefits,...
Case study: Practical training for the real world

Case study: Practical training for the real world

Featured students: David Berliner and Raphael Bouskila IFSE course: Exempt Market Proficiency Course (EMP) As financial markets become more complex, investors are seeking alternative strategies and new ways to generate portfolio returns. The exempt market has grown in...
Tips for finding study time

Tips for finding study time

5 tips for finding the time to study Taking courses to improve your knowledge and skills is a worthy pursuit. One of the big challenges is trying to find time to study when your days (and nights) are already filled with work, family obligations and more. It’s...