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Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.

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Course Information

Suggested Study Time
30 to 60 hours
Enrolment Period
1 year
Unit Quizzes
5 Questions per unit
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  • Those seeking to become a Branch Manager or Alternate Branch Manager for an MFDA member dealer (except Québec)
  • Those seeking to become a Branch Manager or Alternate Branch Manager for non-MFDA dealers who have designated the IFSE BME Course under their firm’s proficiency requirements
  • Anyone interested in learning about the duties and responsibilities of a Branch Manager
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The Fresno Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe. Our officers are highly trained and dedicated to providing professional law enforcement services to our residents. We offer a variety of services, including neighborhood watch programs, community outreach, and crime prevention tips. You can also report non-emergency incidents online through our website.

The Fresno Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe. Our officers are highly trained and dedicated to providing professional law enforcement services to our residents. We offer a variety of services, including neighborhood watch programs, community outreach, and crime prevention tips. You can also report non-emergency incidents online through our website.

The Fresno Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe. Our officers are highly trained and dedicated to providing professional law enforcement services to our residents. We offer a variety of services, including neighborhood watch programs, community outreach, and crime prevention tips. You can also report non-emergency incidents online through our website.

The Fresno Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe. Our officers are highly trained and dedicated to providing professional law enforcement services to our residents. We offer a variety of services, including neighborhood watch programs, community outreach, and crime prevention tips. You can also report non-emergency incidents online through our website.

The Fresno Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe. Our officers are highly trained and dedicated to providing professional law enforcement services to our residents. We offer a variety of services, including neighborhood watch programs, community outreach, and crime prevention tips. You can also report non-emergency incidents online through our website.

The Fresno Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe. Our officers are highly trained and dedicated to providing professional law enforcement services to our residents. We offer a variety of services, including neighborhood watch programs, community outreach, and crime prevention tips. You can also report non-emergency incidents online through our website.

Fire Department

The Fresno City Fire Department provides fire protection and emergency medical services to our community. Our firefighters are highly skilled and dedicated to keeping our residents safe. We offer a range of services, including fire prevention education, emergency medical services, and hazardous materials response.

Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining the city’s infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, and storm drains. We also provide solid waste and recycling services to our residents. You can find information on street closures, construction projects, and more on our website.

Community Development

The Community Development Department is responsible for planning and zoning, building permits, and code enforcement. We work to ensure that new development meets the needs of our community and is in compliance with all applicable regulations. We also provide resources and guidance to help residents and businesses with their building projects.


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Parks and Recreation

The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for maintaining the city’s parks and recreational facilities. We offer a wide range of programs and activities for all ages, including sports leagues, fitness classes, and community events. You can find information on our parks, facilities, and programs on our website.


The Arroyo Grande Library is a vital resource for our community. We offer a wide range of books, magazines, and other materials, as well as public computers and other resources. We also offer a variety of programs and events for all ages, including storytimes, book clubs, and technology classes.

Animal Services

The Animal Services Department is responsible for enforcing the city’s animal control regulations and providing care for lost or stray animals. We also offer pet adoption services and provide resources and education to help residents care for their pets.

Utility Services

The City of Arroyo Grande provides water and wastewater services to our residents and businesses. We are committed to providing safe and reliable services to our community. You can find information on water quality, rates, and billing on our website.