Open Up New Opportunities to Grow Your Business
As a mortgage professional, you are already helping your clients find the right mortgage product for their needs. But there’s another need that you can help fulfil and one that can provide you with the ability to expand your business. It’s life insurance.
By offering insurance products, you can distinguish yourself from the competition and enhance your relationships with clients. Don’t pass them on to another professional. Position yourself to seize this opportunity by getting your life insurance licence.
Read more about this topic in the latest edition of Canadian Mortgage Professional in the article titled Designated Professional.
Register for the Life License Qualification Program (LLQP) and save 40%
The first step is getting the right education. Use the information below to enrol in the LLQP to save 40% off the course price (excludes taxes).
Contract Code: C-11942
Password: mortgagellqp